Violet Katz is a new teacher here at Lively Middle School. She enjoys fitness and clean comedy, and is excited to watch her students progress throughout the school year. This week, I had the opportunity to interview her and learn more about her.
What’s your name and position at Lively?My name is Violet Katz, and I’m a Tier 3 Language Arts and Math Educator.
Talk about your education. What degrees or certifications do you hold?I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in English, and I’m almost finished with a Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership. I also hold an alternative teacher certification as well as a personal trainer certification, along with a Minister’s License, which I have used to officiate weddings, serve in children’s, adult, and women’s ministries, as well as provide free Bible counseling, etc.
You’re new to Lively. What’s your history in teaching?I’ve taught in San Antonio ISD, Fort Bend ISD, and at Taylor Christian School.
What led you to Lively?I was unhappy where I was at. Many people recommended Austin, and I got hired here.
What do you love about Lively so far?I love the staff, and the students are nice. It feels like everyone knows how to extend grace to each other.
What made you decide to be a teacher?I love working with children and teenagers as well as helping people in general. I also love paid summer vacations and holidays!
Why do you teach what you teach?I was asked to teach what I do, but I’m glad because I enjoy it.
What inspires you?I was wrecked and severely injured and could hardly walk, but watching videos of athletes recovering inspired my own recovery.
What’s the best/worst thing about being a teacher?
The worst thing about being a teacher is when bosses are overly strict and impractical and the occasional student who tries to make others’ lives miserable, which of course all only occurred at my past school district. The best thing about being a teacher is feeling like I’m there for somebody and the sense of community.
If you could enroll in another teacher’s class at Lively to learn from them, what class would you take and why?I would pick Ms. Twining because when I was proctoring for MAP testing in her class, I saw that she had numerous teacher awards.
What is one tip you’d give to your students?Always remember to be the light because you don’t know what darkness others are trying to overcome, and never give up on anything that is worth pursuing.
What is your favorite memory from your time in school?I had a student who was a bully and didn’t do her work, but I kept working with her and encouraging her, eventually she stopped being a bully and started doing her work. I became her favorite teacher, and she would visit me between class periods.
What was your first day of school at Lively like?I was very impressed with Ms. Mau’s teaching methods, and I also like my schedule and teacher assignments. Mr. Kirkman is also very helpful and does a good job at explaining how to manage my duties.
What’s your opinion on the current nationwide teacher shortage?I believe that originally, money was used to replace the barter system – refers to trading things. I believe the government is limiting themselves by refusing to offer higher salaries to any productive citizens when it is in need, considering that money is simply symbolic, and I see no justifiable reason the government should limit how much money it is producing. Currently, teachers in some areas are being paid less than the cost of living.
What are you looking forward to this year?I’m looking forward to seeing my students progress and overcome any weaknesses that some of them may have.
What’s the best/worst thing about being a teacher?The worst thing about being a teacher is when bosses are overly strict and impractical and the occasional student who tries to make others’ lives miserable, which of course all only occurred at my past school district. The best thing about being a teacher is feeling like I’m there for somebody and the sense of community.