Miranda Harris is a first year Lively counselor. She loves getting to know and talking with students. I got the chance to talk with her and ask her some questions so we can get to know her better.
How long have you been working at Lively?
This is my first year here at Lively. Before that I lived in Houston Texas.
What made you decide to work here?
I moved to Austin this summer, and when I was looking for a counselor position at a middle school, I researched and applied here and I thought this school seemed to be very awesome.
What is your job title and what is it that you do?
I am a school counselor here at lively and I work with the alphabet N-Z.
What do you love about Lively?
I love the students, I love how everyone is very nice and the students really care about the school, and their work. Everyone gets along, I love the administration, I love everything about Lively.
Do you sponsor any club’s, teams, or special Groups at Lively?
No not yet, I do not.
How do you show your school spirit?
Well, on Wednesdays we wear pink, on Thursdays we wear our Lively shirts, and whenever we have functions I do try to attend.
What is the best or worst thing about being at Lively?
The best thing is this is my first time getting interviewed so I’m super excited. And the worst thing is… I haven’t found the worst thing yet.
In what teachers class would you like to enroll in even for a day? Why?
I would probably say Ms. Everett’s class. I love computers, I love writing, I love reading and all the newspaper stuff they do.
Who or what inspires you?
My children, they keep me going and pushing. I just always want more and better for them.
What song do you know all the lyrics to?
Maybe, Thriller by Micheal Jackson?
Where did you go to school and what is your degree in?
I went to Southern University, which is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. That’s where I got my bachelors degree in social work. Then I went to the University of West Alabama, and that’s where I got my masters degree in counseling.
What is your dream vacation?
It would be going to Europe, and traveling around Europe.
What makes a good day at school?
When students are in their classrooms learning, they’re not in the hallways screaming or using inappropriate language, or screaming.
What is your favorite memory from your time in school?
When I was in high school my favorite memory was definitely graduating.
How do you think students will remember you?
I think they’ll remember me as always being open, always available, never judgmental, and supportive of the students.