What is your full name and position at Lively?

Christopher Thomas Lamon. I am the SCORES TA.
How long have you been teaching at Lively and teaching in general?
Both answers would be 4 months. I recently switched careers from archeology to teaching.
What degrees or certifications do you hold?
Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology; minors in geography, history and political science. And of course my certification to be a special ed teacher. I also have a certification in Spanish Colonial History from the Texas Historical commission.
What led you to Lively?
Its uniqueness and how much it reminded me of my old school also not to mention the history of the school.
What do you love about teaching?
Getting to help prepare the next generation for what lays ahead by hopefully not letting you all make the same mistakes I made as a student…those mistakes being not paying attention, not mouthing off to the teachers, not doing my homework and most importantly not believing in myself since I have dyslexia.
Why do you teach what you teach?
I was seeing how my teachers used to help me and others who couldn’t understand normal learning strategies. So that sort of inspired me to help students who can’t learn with normal learning strategies.
Do you have a hobby or interest that you do after school?
I play bass but for the last decade and a half I have played guitar.
What inspires you to teach?
Wanting to take all my experiences through life and I like seeing when kids have success. Basically using all my past experiences and I try to use that to show students different things and to believe in themselves.
What would students be surprised to find out about you?
It probably would be that I love musicals and classical music. My favorite piece is Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin.
What’s the best and worst thing about Lively?
The best thing is its diversity and there is all sorts of different programs and clubs and the worst thing is funny enough that there is no toilet down here (near my classroom) and I have to travel half the campus to use the bathroom.
What is your dream vacation?
Going to England for the holidays and watching a soccer game with my friends.
What makes a good day at school?
A good day at school for me is when I get in my car and I am smiling because no matter if it’s a good or bad day I am still happy because I love what I do
Did you have a favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject in school was either science or history because they were easy and interesting to me. Also because my grandfather loved history and he used to always tell me and my brother about it.
In which other teachers class would you like to enroll in, even for just a day and why?
I am going to say Ms Warrix 8th grade science class because I would love to teach Science or Anthropology.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I sometimes come off as gruff and grumpy but I just want everybody in this school to have the best experience so they can get a leg up before they go to highschool so they can be prepared for highschool so they don’t struggle like I did. And also I don’t like people throwing me surprise parties so for the last 20 years I have thrown a music festival that started off as two bands on a lot and the last 2 years its become like a 2 day event which takes about a year to plan and put together also as well to coordinate. At the festival I play punk and rock.