Five Nights of Freddy’s is a flop.
My criticisms of the movie were that it was a little rushed. I feel that they could have incorporated more details from the actual games. The movie could have made a little more sense to actual Five Nights of Freddys fans who know a lot about the games.
From social media and my friends, I had mostly heard that it wasn’t scary before I saw it. The trailers depicted the movie as being very scary. As it was shown that it would be scary, that’s how people hyped up the movie. However, as people watched it, the movie wasn’t scary at all. There was no gore or really good jump scares. I was disappointed as I was hoping to see a truly scary movie.
Personally, I didn’t like how they incorporated the details. I didn’t play the games, so I was looking for more background information and I think that would have made it better.
However, other Lively students who watched the movie had different opinions than me. “I liked the fan service. I like how they added easter eggs in the movie for the true fans,” said 8th grader Cesar Posadas. “I liked how they put a lot of effort into it,” said 8th grader Maiya Gutierrez.
I think that the movie was created for Five Nights of Freddy’s Fans instead of to be shown as an actual scary movie.